Social responsability

Entrega de alimento a familias y niños en situación de calle por parte de Daclaf
Daclaf, ejerciendo los valores como la empatía y el compromiso por el bienestar de la comunidad, entregó 200 comidas a familias y niños en situación de calle. Esta labor es importante ya que se ha duplicado el número de personas en esta situación pues en 2017 existían 6,754 personas en situación de calle en la CDMX y zona conurbada,y para 2022 ha superado los 13 mil individuos.
La alimentación es una necesidad básica del ser humano, en la ciudad existen solamente 51 comedores públicos y 445 comunitarios, donde el costo de la porción de alimento en el almuerzo es de 11 pesos, además de no ser suficiente en algunas ocasiones, por lo que consideramos que apoyar a 200 personas tiene una relevancia importante en nuestra comunidad.
Seguiremos llevando a cabo este tipo de actividades periódicamente como parte de nuestro compromiso como empresa socialmente responsable.
Daclaf, Socially Responsible Company.
Clothing collection for the Assessment and Channeling Center (CVC) for homeless people in CDMX.
Daclaf, in solidarity with less favored people, carried out a collection with its collaborators at the Center for the Assessment and Channeling of homeless people, where they collected more than 200 garments, including jackets, blankets and clothing.
There are currently 5,700 homeless people in the country , of which it is estimated that 1,200 belong to Mexico City or, according to the INEGI in the Population and Housing Census that was carried out in 2020. That is why the The work carried out in CVC is of vital importance since this space makes a medical, psychological, psychiatric and social work assessment in order to reintegrate these people into society in decent conditions.
This activity reflects all the values that make up the Daclaf culture, mainly empathy and commitment to the health and well-being of Mexicans.
DACLAF joins the annual reforestation day in Naucalpan
With the aim of taking action for the well-being of the environment, Daclaf joins the reforestation day of the "Los Remedios" National Park, with the objective of planting endemic species of the region for its optimal development.
Mexico is home to half of the 100 species of pine that exist throughout the world, so its preservation is of vital importance, since it is one of the few species that has the possibility of living in such diverse climates.
Collaborators from various areas of the company gathered to plant 80 pine trees, equivalent to generating 28,800 liters of oxygen per day.
For Daclaf it is important to carry out this type of action that helps to improve the quality of the air and the environment, since our commitment to well-being is not only personal and that of our clients, it also encompasses the well-being of society and the care and respect for environment.
Daclaf invites us to remember that small actions can generate big changes, the important thing is to take action .