Clothing collection for the Assessment and Channeling Center (CVC) for homeless people in CDMX.

Daclaf, in solidarity with less favored people, carried out a collection with its collaborators at the Center for the Assessment and Channeling of homeless people, where they collected more than 200 garments, including jackets, blankets and clothing.
There are currently 5,700 homeless people in the country , of which it is estimated that 1,200 belong to Mexico City or, according to the INEGI in the Population and Housing Census that was carried out in 2020. That is why the The work carried out in CVC is of vital importance since this space makes a medical, psychological, psychiatric and social work assessment in order to reintegrate these people into society in decent conditions.
This activity reflects all the values that make up the Daclaf culture, mainly empathy and commitment to the health and well-being of Mexicans.